4/28(日)ドッグラン・ラボイベント(シュナウザーDAY)に参加しました。愛犬の熱中症予防にCozy Milk(糀甘酒)。これからが本当に必要な季節。

On Sunday, April 28th, I participated in the Dog Run Lab Event (Schnauzer Day). I gave my dog ​​Cozy Milk (sweet rice wine) to prevent heatstroke. Now is the season when it's really needed.

On Sunday, April 28th, we participated in Dog Run Labo's very popular event, Schnauzer Day. (https://www.instagram.com/p/C55mbYsPIhQ/?img_index=1)

In addition to us at Food Curate Lab, there were also popular food trucks and merchandise sales booths, and this time we also handed out free tasting tickets so that many people could try some of the food.

I felt this the last time I set up a stall for the first time, but as the hot season approaches and after exercise, koji amazake, which is sometimes called a "drinkable IV drip," is a great way to prevent heatstroke.

I hope that by drinking Cozy Milk, in the long term the oligosaccharides will help to increase bifidobacteria in the intestines, and in the short term, it will help prevent heatstroke by providing hydration.

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